Seeing the ‘can’ in Cancer (5 weeks)
Service Description
It’s time to change the perception of cancer and I’m going to give you the vision to see how. There will of course be unpleasant days, but what is important is that you know how to pick yourself back up and keep those days to a minimal. Know when you need to take time out for self-care. The time has come to stop listening to anyone else’s opinion and learn to create your own destiny and stand firm in your opinion. A lot of people struggle to see anything good in many situations, they become stuck on that dreaded question “why me”, but what I want to know is what are you going to do about where you currently stand? I'm sorry I want the best for you, so a little tough love goes a long way. This programme is meant for anyone: •Who has been through cancer •Looking to transform and build their confidence and self-esteem •Who wants to feel better about who they are •Looking to improve their understanding of who they are •Who want to find the positives in their situation •Who wants to move forward •Who has an open mind

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